- Möring, S. (2013): Games and Metaphor – A Critical Analysis of the Metaphor Discourse in Game Studies. (343 pages) Ph.D. Thesis, Copenhagen: IT University of Copenhagen, URL: (Open Access).
Edited Volumes
- Gerling, W., S. Möring, and M. De Mutiis (eds.) (2023): Screen Images. In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast. ZeM Sammelband 4. Berlin: Kadmos, (Open Access).
- Möring, S., M. Pohl, and N. Riemer (eds.) (2021): Didaktik des digitalen Spielens. DIGAREC Series 9. Potsdam: University Press, (Open Access).
- Riemer, N. and S. Möring (eds.) (2020): Videospiele als didaktische Herausforderung. DIGAREC Series 8. Potsdam: University Press, (Open Access).
Book chapters
- Möring, S., and B. Schneider (2024): “Climate–Game–Worlds : A Media-Aesthetic Look at the Depiction and Function of Climate in Computer Games“, in: Ecogames. Playful Perspectives on the Climate Crisis, ed. by L. op de Beke, J. Raessens, S. Werning, and G. Farca, 201 – 221. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2023): “Why Collect Computer Games in a Literary Archive of the Future?”, in: The Literature Archive of the Future: Statements and Perspectives, ed. by S. Richter, 37-42. Marbacher Schriften, Neue Folge, Band 21. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- Möring, S. (2023): “The Conditional Cyberimage – On the Role of Gameplay in Artistic In-Game Photography,” in: Screen Images. In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast, ed. by W. Gerling, S. Möring, and M. De Mutiis, 263–82. ZeM Sammelband 4. Berlin: Kadmos, (Open Access).
- Möring, S., and O. Leino (2022): “Die neoliberale Bedingung von Computerspielen,” in: Kontrollmaschinen. Zur Dispositivtheorie des Computerspiels (transl. by L. Andergassen), ed. by C. Lukman, Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, London: Lit Verlag, 41–61.
- Möring, S. (2022): “Making Fun of Tetris: Humour in Parodies of a Computer Game Classic,” in: Video Games and Comedy, ed. by K. Bonello Rutter Giappone, T. Z. Majkowski, and J. Švelch, 191–213. Cham: Springer International Publishing,
- Pohl, M. and S. Möring (2021): “Lückenfüller – Vom Nutzen der Leerstellen in Adventure-Games beim Sprachenlernen,” in: Didaktik des digitalen Spielens, ed. by S. Möring, M. Pohl, and N. Riemer, 208–244, Potsdam: University Press, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2021): “Die paradoxen Spiele der Computerspielkulturen in Ost und West,” in: Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2021. Schwerpunkt: Spielen im Staatssozialismus. Zwischen Sozialdisziplinierung und Vergnügen, ed. by J. Brauer, M. Röger, and S. Stach, Berlin: Metropol, 297–304.
- For a Conference Review in English see: Bianchini, Mario (2020): “Tagungsbericht Zwischen Sozialdisziplinierung Und Vergnügen: Politik Und Praktiken Des Spielens Im Staatssozialismus / Between Social Discipline and Pleasure: The Politics and Practices of Play and Games in State Socialism,” in: H-Soz-Kult.
- For a Book Review in German see: Pfister, Eugen. 2022. “Rezension zu: Mählert‚ Ulrich (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2021 Berlin 2021.” H-Soz-Kult, July.
- Möring, S. (2020): „Forschung und Lehre in der Computerspielesammlung des DIGAREC der Universität Potsdam,“ in: Game Designers & Software Artists. Inszenierung und Selbstverständnis der Künstler/innen bei Electronic Arts, 1983-1988, ed. by B. Blankenheim, Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 143–52.
- Möring, S. (2020): “Kulturarchive,” in: Handbuch Gameskultur, ed. by O. Zimmermann, F. Falk, C. Huberts, and F. Zimmermann, Berlin: Deutscher Kulturrat e.V., 120–24, URL: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2020): “Was verstehen wir, wenn wir Computerspiele spielen? Zur Hermeneutik des Computerspiels,” in: Videospiele als didaktische Herausforderung, ed. by N. Riemer and S. Möring. Potsdam: University Press, 42-69, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2019): “Distance and Fear: Defining the Play Space,” in: Ludotopia. Spaces, Places and Territories in Computer Games, ed. by E. Aarseth and S. Günzel, Bielefeld: Transcript, 231–44, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. and M. de Mutiis (2019): “Camera Ludica: Reflections on Photography in Video Games,” in: Intermedia Games – Games Inter Media: Video Games and Intermediality, ed. by M. Fuchs and J. Thoss, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 69–94, 10.5040/ (Open Access).
- Bösel, B. and S. Möring (2018): “Affekt,“ in: Philosophie des Computerspiels: Theorie – Praxis – Ästhetik, ed. by D. M. Feige, S. Ostritsch, and M. Rautzenberg, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 193–204,
- Möring, S. (2016): “What is a metaphoric artgame? – A critical analysis of metaphor in the artgame discourse and in artgames,” in: Embodied Metaphors Film, Television, and Video Games: Cognitive Approaches, ed. by K. Fahlenbrach, London: Routledge, 269-284.
- Möring, S. (2015): “Simulated metaphors of love. How the game The Marriage applies metaphors to simulate a love relationship,” in: Game Love: Essays on Play and Affection, ed. by J. Enevold and E. MacCallum-Stewart, Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 262-290.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Gerling, W., and S. Möring (2023): “Bildschirmbilder. Screenshots als Werkzeuge der Wissenschaft,” in: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaften vol. 15, no. 29, 160-165, DOI: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2022): “Computerspiele als Medien der Sorge. Von Existenzieller zu Relationaler Software am Beispiel von Animal Crossing: New Horizons,” in: Augenblick – Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft, no. 85 (special issue: Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien – Sensible Medien – Fürsorgende Medien, ed. by B. Bösel), 111–126,
- Kray, L., and S. Möring (2021): “Das Wetter kontrollieren – Zur Darstellung von Beziehungen zwischen Klima, Umweltlichkeit, Technologie und menschlicher Agenzialität im Computerspiel am Beispiel von Pokémon Smaragd,” in: Dritte Natur. Climate Engineering 3 | 2021, ed. by D. Müller and U. Büttner, 183-199.
- Möring, S. (2021): “Artgames vs. Game Art – Diskurse und Strategien der Computerspielkunst zwischen spielbarer Rhetorik und unspielbarer Ästhetik,” in: Informatik Spektrum, February, 30-37, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2019): “Compreendendo Jogos De Computador para uma pessoa Como Sistemas Experimentais,” in: Intexto, no. 46 (July), ed. by S. Fragoso and T. Z. Majkowski. Translated by M. Caetano and J. Messias, 255–86, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. and B. Schneider (2018): “Klima – Spiel – Welten. Eine medienästhetische Untersuchung der Darstellung und Funktion von Klima im Computerspiel,” in: Paidia. Zeitschrift für Computerspielforschung, Sonderausgabe “Repräsentationen und Funktionen von ‘Umwelt’ im Computerspiel,“ (Open Access).
- Möring, S. and O. Leino (2016): “Beyond games as political education – neo-liberalism in the contemporary computer game form,” in: Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, 8, 2, 145-161, https//doi: 10.1386/jgvw.8.2.145_1.
- Möring, S. (2013): “The metaphor-simulation paradox in the study of computer games,” (26 pages), in: International Journal of Games and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 5(4), 48-74, URL:
Invited talks, guest lectures, and keynotes
- Möring, S. (2023): “Configurations of Care in Computer Games,” invited guest lecture at Cologne Game Lab, July 4.
- Möring, S. (2023): “Computerspiele als Medien der Sorge: Zur Zukunft in und von Computerspielen aus der Perspektive der Green Game Studies,” guest presentation for the research training group “Gestalten der Zukunft” at University of Oldenburg, June 7.
- Möring, S. (2023): “A Lift Home – with Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen,” invited stream in the Screen Walks series by Fotomuseum Winterthur and The Photographers’ Gallery London, May 24,
- Möring, S. (2023): “In-Game Photography – An Introduction,” invited presentation at the Logic, Limits, Contingency: A Critical Digital Spring School at Free University of Berlin, March 30.
- Möring, S. (2022): “Introduction to the DIGAREC In-Game Photo Gallery,” guest lecture in the module “Creative Digital Culture” to year-4 students of the BA (Hons) in Creative Media at Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Ireland, November 30, online.
- Möring, S. (2022): “Four Dimensions of Environmental Care In and Of Games,” presented in the lecture series Ringvorlesung zur Klimakrise, organized by UP4Future, Scientists 4 Future University of Potsdam, Klimaschutzmanagement der Universität Potsdam, Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie, June 21, Online.
- Möring, S. (2022): “Eine Einführung in den Begriff des Algorithmus,” impulse lecture at 4hoch3 – Medienkompetenz stärkt Brandenburg, organized by Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb) and Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport (MBJS) together with Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM), June 15.
- Möring, S. (2022): “Climate Simulation,” guest lecture in the B.A. Game Design at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Campus Berlin, May 10.
- Möring, S. (2022): “Spielung: Eco. Kooperativ gegen die Klimakrise,” invited commentator at the One Planet Left Conference, Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur, May 5, Online. [==> VIDEO]
- Möring, S. (2022): “Ausstellen im Digitalen,” invited speaker at the Volontärsakademie Bayern “Umgang mit der Sammlung”, March 18, Online.
- Möring, S. (2021): “Games als Ausdruck und Raum (inter-)kultureller Fürsorge,” invited speaker at the Repräsentationen von Kulturen in Games Workshop of the 38. Forum Kommunikationskultur on “Medienpädagogik und Spielkulturen”, November 18, Erfurt and Online.
- Möring, S. (2021): “Why collect computer games in a literature archive of the future?” invited speaker at the #LiteratureArchiveOfTheFuture conference, October 26, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach,,
- Möring, S. (2021): “Caring for the environment in and of games,” presented in the Meaning of Games Talks series of The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies, June 14, University of Tampere, University of Turku, and University of Jyväskylä,
- Möring, S. (2021): “The environment as a matter of care in and of computer games,” keynote presented in the Care and Video Games Conference, May 26-28, HSE Art and Design School, PhD Art and Design School at HSE, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (University of Tyumen), URL:
- Möring, S. (2021): “Führung durch die DIGAREC In-Game Photo Gallery” [Guided Tour Through the DIGAREC In-Game Photo Gallery], invited speaker at the Gamin’ Siegen Festival, April 24,
- Möring, S. (2021): “Games als Bild und als Text – Vorschläge zum Einsatz von Computerspielfotografie und Computerspielen im Kunst- und Sprachenunterricht,” presented in the lecture series Medienpädagogik im Fokus: Digitalisierung als Gegenstand in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung, February 2, University of Potsdam, URL:
- Möring, S. (2020): “The Time Economy of No Man’s Sky or How to Never Be Free from Repetitiveness in Games,” in: Mod Theory Seminar, Baptist University of Hong Kong, May 18, [==>AUDIO].
- Gerling, W. and S. Möring (2018): “The Detachment of the Image: On the History, Ontology, Aesthetics, and Practice of Screenshots and In-game Photographs,” keynote presented at After Post-Photography 4: Сultural, historical and visual studies in photography, May 18, European University in St. Petersburg.
- Möring, S. (2016): “The contemporary computer game form and the neoliberal condition,” presented to game students and faculty at IT University of Copenhagen, December 6, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen.
- Möring, S. (2016): “Playing is Caring – On existential structures of computer games,” presented at Game Studies and the Philosophy of Games Seminar, November 25, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Möring, S. (2016): “The interpretive turn and the performative turn in computer game studies,” presented at Gamification: Digitale Ausrahmung des Theaters symposium, September 13-14, 2016, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Möring, S. (2016): “Qu’est-ce que le jeu vidéo allemand?” (in French) presented March 19 at Médiathèque Nancy organized by Goethe-Institut Nancy, France.
- Möring, S. (2016): “What is metaphorical about computer games?” presented to the faculty of the Cognitive Science research group at the Philosophy Department of Lund University, February 9, Lund, Sweden.
- Möring, S. (2013): “The Marriage – Love at sight, fear at play,” presented at Games, Cognition, and Emotion – International Conference on Cognitive Studies of the Video Game Experience, July 5-6, University of Hamburg, Germany [==>VIDEO].
Peer-reviewed conference papers
- S. Möring (2023): “Towards an Understanding of Computer Games as Media of Care: Analyzing Animal Crossing: New Horizons in Light of the Recent Covid-19 Pandemic,” presented at CEEGS 2023 – Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference, October 19-21, Macromedia University | Campus Leipzig, Germany.
- S. Möring (2023): “Computerspiele als Medien der Abhängigkeit. Von existenzieller zu relationaler Software am Beispiel von Animal Crossing: New Horizons,” presented at GfM2023 – Abhängigkeiten, September 27-30, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany.
- Leino, O.T. and S. Möring (2023): “Game Worlds at the Limits and Margins of Games,” presented at DiGRA 2023 “Limits and Margins of Games”, June 19 – 23, University of Seville, Spain (presented online).
- Möring, S. and B. Schneider (2022): “Analyzing the Climate Scenarios Conveyed in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm in Comparison to Frostpunk and the Anno Series,” presented at DiGRA 2022 “Bringing Worlds Together,“ July 7-11, Jagiellonian University, Krakow.
- Aarseth, E. and S. Möring (2020): “The Game Itself? : Towards a Hermeneutics of Computer Games,” in: Proceedings of Foundations of Play and Games Conference 2020, September 15–18, 2020, Bugibba, Malta. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1-8, (Open Access) [==> VIDEO] [awarded “exceptional paper”].
- Möring, S. (2019): “Aesthetics of Care and Caring for Aesthetics in the Gameplay of Walden, A Game and Eastshade,” presented at Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, October 21, State University of St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Möring, S. (2019): “Zur Simulation von Energieverbrauch in Computerspielen,” presented as part of the panel Eco Media: Energien, Ressourcen und Materialität der medialen Umgebungen at the annual conference of the Society of Media Studies GfM Tagung 2019 “Medien Materialitäten,” September 26, University of Cologne.
- Leino, O. T. and S. Möring (2019): “Games on Working, Games on Gaming, Working on Games, and Games on Working on Games: On the Self-Referentiality in the Form of Neo-Liberal Play/Work,” presented at DiGRA 2019 “Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix,” August 6-10, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.
- Möring, S. (2019): “Expressions of Care and Concern in Eco-Critical Computer Game Play,” presented at DiGRA 2019 “Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix,” August 6-10, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.
- Möring, S. (2018): “Mit Pfeil und Bogen und dem Tablet-Computer durch Hyrule – Zwischen Ent- und Re-Industrialisierung in The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild,“ held on September 27 as part of the panel Deep Futures: Momente der Ent-Industrialisierung at the annual conference of the Society of Media Studies (GfM) in Siegen, Germany.
- Jahn, B. and S. Möring (2018): “An Inclusive Perspective on Gameplay: Towards a wide understanding of gameplay in theory and praxis”, July 26 at the annual conference of the Digital Games Research Association in Turin, Italy.
- Möring, S. (2017): “Against Gamification: The Care Structure in Games and Self-Tracking Technologies,” held on July 1 at the NECS conference at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France.
- Möring, S. (2016): “The Care-Structure in Computer Games and Computer Game Interpretations,” presented at GamesLit 2016, November 18-20, Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland.
- Möring, S. (2016): “Understanding Single Player Computer Games as Experimental Systems“, presented at Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, November 1-4, University of Malta, Malta [==>VIDEO].
- Möring, S. (2016): “The Doubly Conditional Image: On the Role of Gameplay in Artistic In-Game Photography,” presented at Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference (CEEGS), October 20-22, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland.
- Möring, S. (2016): “De-Metaphorization and the Metaphor-Simulation Dilemma – Shedding light on the metaphor discourse in computer game studies,” presented at the 11th conference of RaAM – the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
- Möring, S. (2016): “Care and Concern as Inherent Structures of the Gameplay Condition and the Human Condition,” presented at the Concerns about Video Games and the Video Games of Concern conference, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Möring, S. (2015): “’3, 2, 1 … Smile!’ – An existential-ludological account on in-game photography,” presented at the Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference, Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland.
- Leino, O.T. and S. Möring (2015): “A sketch for an existential ludology,” presented at the Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference, Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland.
- Leino, O.T. and S. Möring (2015): “Super Mario, The Quest for Authenticity,” presented at the Replaying Japan 2015: 3rd International Japan Game Studies Conference, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
- Leino, O.T. and S. Möring (2015): “Authenticity Quest: On the conditions of possibility for ‘being yourself’ in a computer game,” presented the Diversity of Play: Games – Cultures – Identities Conference of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany.
- Möring, S. (2015): “Performed Meaning in Computer Games,” presented at the 2nd ISIS Conference – Play/Perform/Participate, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
- Möring, S. (2015): “The Mediality of Play – Play and Games Theory as Media Theory,” presented at the 2nd ISIS Conference – Play/Perform/Participate, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
- Möring, S. (2014): “Freedom in Games. Between fear and boredom” (14 pages), presented at the Philosophy of Computer Games conference 2014, November 13-16, Bilgy University, Istanbul, Turkey, URL: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2014): “Global metaphors in games?” (10 pages), presented at the (Chinese) Game Studies conference 2014, April 19-20, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
- Aarseth, E. and S. Möring (2013): “‘The Game Itself?’: Towards a Hermeneutics of Computer Games” (12 pages), presented at The Games and Literary Theory Conference 2013 31st October 31– November 1, 2013, University of Malta, Valletta, Malta.
- Möring, S. (2013): “Play, metaphor, and representation – a love triangle or une liaison dangereuse?” peer-reviewed paper (8 pages), Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), May 2013, Chania, Crete, URL: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2012): “Tackling the metaphor-simulation dilemma,” peer-reviewed paper (20 pages) presented at Nordic DiGRA conference 2012, University of Tampere, Finland, June 2012, URL: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2011): “Game innovation through conceptual blending,” peer-reviewed paper (7 pages) in Games and Innovation Research Seminar 2011 Working Papers, ed. by A. Kultima and M. Peltoniemi. Informaatiotutkimuksen Ja Interaktiivisen Median Laitos/yksikkö -TRIM Research Reports 7. Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere. URN: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2011): “Funny games – Humorous modifications of video games,” peer-reviewed paper (17 pages) presented at Think Design Play – Conference on Games and Play, the Fifth International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), Utrecht School of the Arts, Netherlands, September 14-17, 2011 (not in proceedings).
- Möring, S. (2011): “What’s love got to do with it?,” peer-reviewed paper (7 pages) presented at The Philosophy of Computer Games conference, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece, April 6-9, 2011, URL: (Open Access).
Other presentations
- Buskies-Utesch, P. L., J. F. Fähmel, S. Möring, F. Nowotny, and J. Rehse (2021): “Natur digital Ausstellen – Wenn wir nicht in die Natur können, muss die Natur zu uns kommen!” in: Didaktik | Games | Wissenschaft, University of Kassel, September 17-18, URL:
- Möring, S. (2018): “Shooting Games – On the phenomenology of shooting in computer games and computer game photography,” held on October 5 at the international workshop SCREEN-IMAGES RELOADED at the Hochschule Luzern (CH), organized by M. de Mutiis, S. Möring und W. Gerling.
- Möring, S. (2018): “What does a computer game care about when playing a human being? – Extra-human perspectives on computer games,” held on July 25 as part of the panel “Video Games and Post-Humanism” at the annual conference of the Digital Games Research Association in Turin, Italy.
- Möring, S. (2018): “Glitch Photography: The Message is the Medium,” held on July 25 as part of the panel “The medium [of in-game photography] is the message” at the annual conference of the Digital Games Research Association in Turin, Italy.
- Möring, S. (2018): “Climate simulations in existential software,”
held on July 26 as part of the panel “Existential-Phenomenological Approaches to Game Worlds” at the annual conference of the Digital Games Research Association in Turin, Italy. - Möring, S. (2018): “On the relation of boredom and care in computer game play from an existential ludological perspective,” held on May 31 at the international workshop Ludic Boredom at Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM), Potsdam.
- Möring, S. (2018): “Style and Rhetoric of Computer Games – An Overview,” held on May 4 at the international workshop Computer-based Approaches for the Analysis of Film Style at Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM), Potsdam.
- Möring, S. (2018): “Points, badges, freedom, and care – An existential ludological analysis of gamified workout apps,” held on March 2 in the seminar Ideas and Realities of Gamification: Work/Play Hybrids at the Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Möring, S. (2017): “Artistic In-Game Photography and the Conditional Image of the Computer Game,” held on July 6 at the international workshop Screen-Images (Bildschirmbilder) – In-Game Photography and Screenshots as Photographical Praxis at Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM), Potsdam.
- Möring, S. (2017): “Camera Ludica: Reflections on Artistic In-Game Photography” (together with Cindy Poremba, Marco De Mutiis and Matteo Bittanti), May 12 at DiGRA Italia Conference, IULM, Milan, Italy (==> VIDEO).
- Möring, S. (2017): “Was verstehen wir, wenn wir Computerspiele spielen? Zur Hermeneutik des Computerspielens,” part of lecture series “Videospiele als didaktische Herausforderung” at University of Potsdam, May 2.
- Möring, S. (2017): “Sick Games for Health,” presented at researching games BarCamp, Berlin, April 28.
- Möring, S. (2017): “Thesen zu Serious Games for Health,” presented at Vernetzungstreffen D-A-CH
“Games4Health – Spielen für die Gesundheit” at conhIT 2017, April 26, Berlin.
- Möring, S. (2016): “I will survive – what basil and computer games have in common,” presented at researching games BarCamp, Berlin, April 22-23.
- Möring, S. (2015): “Das Spiel der Übertragung: Über den Metapherndiskurs in den Game Studies,” presented at Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM), Potsdam, April 21, 2015.
- Möring, S. (2015): “Play, or the mediality of media,” presented at the Brown Bag seminar to the faculty of the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, April 14, 2015.
- Möring, S. (2012): “Prolegomena on the way to game hermeneutics,” paper (10 pages) presented at PhD seminar On the Road to Game Hermeneutics, Myrdal, Norway, October 19-20, 2012.
- Möring, S. (2012): “Metapher, Simulation, Liebe,” presentation at researching games BarCamp, Jahrestreffen der deutschen Spieleforschung, Wiesbaden, Germany, 28-29 September 2012.
- Möring, S. (2012): “The metaphor-simulation dilemma,” paper (12 pages) presented at the Digital Games and Literature Theory seminar, University of Malta, Malta, March 2012.
- Möring, S. (2011): “Love in abstract games. How games apply metaphor to simulate abstract concepts,” paper (10 pages) presented at International Symposium on Game Love Aesthetics and Culture, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, November 16-17, 2011.
- Möring, S. (2011): “Sandkästen, Gärten und überarbeitete Amerikaner in den 1990er Jahren – Eine Übersicht über die Verwendung des Metaphernbegriffs in den Game Studies,” paper (12 pages) presented at International Semiotics Congress of the DGS (German Society for Semiotics), University of Potsdam, Germany, October 2011.
- Möring, S. (2011): “Against procedurality? – Beneath procedurality!,” paper (8 pages) presented at PhD seminar Against Procedurality, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-17, 2011.
- Möring, S. (2011): “What does metaphor have to do with interactive storytelling? – An approach,” paper (10 pages) presented at Worlds, Stories, and Games, PhD seminar, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18-20, 2011.
Editorial cooperations
- Logic and Structure of the Computer Game, ed. by S. Günzel, M. Liebe, and D. Mersch, with the editorial cooperation of S. Möring, Potsdam: University Press, 2010, URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42695 (Open Access).
- DIGAREC Lectures 2008/09: Vorträge am Zentrum für Computerspielforschung mit Wissenschaftsforum der Deutschen Gamestage; Quo Vadis 2008 und 2009, ed. by S. Günzel, M. Liebe, and D. Mersch, with the editorial cooperation of S. Möring, Potsdam: University Press, 2009, URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-33324 (Open Access).
- Conference Proceedings of the Philosophy of Computer Games 2008, ed. by S. Günzel, M. Liebe, and D. Mersch, with the editorial cooperation of S. Möring, Potsdam: University Press, 2008, URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-20072 (Open Access).
Encyclopedia entries
- Möring, S. (2021): „Metaphor,“ in: Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming, ed. by M.J.P. Wolf, Second edition, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 630–32.
- Günzel, S., M. Liebe, and S. Möring (2021): “Digital Games Research Center (DIGAREC),” in: Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming, ed. by M.J.P. Wolf, Second edition, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 256–57.
- Möring, S. (2023): “Jalopy,” curation of “the personal classic” at Computerspielmuseum in Berlin, May 1 – June 15.
- Möring, S. (2019): “From The Moon Landing To E-Sport,” in Casting Screens, ed. by Klasse Digitale Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK), URL: (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2017): “Furcht im Computerspiel und wie ich lernte, Doom zu spielen,” in Daumenkino –, ed. by Projekt Daumenkino SS 2016, (Open Access).
- Möring, S. (2017): “Der doppelte Faden im Computerspiel,” Seitenspiel 7, 15-17.
Media appearances (print, television, online, radio)
- Kogel, Dennis (2023): “Kulturverlust: Was passiert, wenn Spiele die Server abschalten?” in: Breitband. Berlin: Deutschlandfunk Kultur., September 2, 2023.
- Hackenbruch, Felix (2023): “Gamesbranche Vor Dem Aus? Ampel Will Mittel Streichen,” in: Tagesspiegel, August 24, 2023.
- Königs, Klara (2021): “Computerspiele verstehen. Im Gespräch mit Dr. Sebastian Möring, leitender Koordinator des DIGAREC – Zentrum für Computerspielforschung der Universität Potsdam,” in: BERLINboxx – Business Magazin, Vol. 22, November/Dezember,
- Simonis, Lena (2021): “Impulsgeber Gaming,” in: PAGE 10/2021, 16-24,
- Simonis, Lena (2021): “Diversität und Inklusion im Game Design,” in: PAGE, August 7,
- Göhlsdorf, Novina (2021): “Jenseits des Hörsaals,” in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (newspaper), No. 28, July 18, 36-37.
- Trouvé, Pierre (2021): “Jeu en mode photo, pratique artistique : l’essor de la photographie de jeu vidéo,” in: Le (newspaper), April 28,
- Meischen, Dennis (2021): “Boom der Videospiele”, in: Berliner Morgenpost (newspaper), April 12, 7.
- Garbe, Andreas (2021): “‘Mundaun’: Ein Videospiel aus Bleistiftzeichnungen,” in: Kulturzeit (3sat, television), March 15,
- Engelhardt-Krajanek, Margarethe (2020): “Radiokolleg – Zauber des Spielens,” in: Ö1 (Austrian public radio), October 5-8,
- Garbe, Andreas (2020): “Jubiläum bei den ‘Sims’,” in: ZDF heute+ (television), March 13,
- Wieprecht, Volker (2019): “Computerspiele mit Nazi-/Weltkriegsbezug,” in: rbb Abendschau (television), December 21.
- Noelke, Wolfgang (2019): “Spielekonferenz – Zwischen Sozialdisziplinierung und Vergnügen,” in: Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Deutschlandfunk (radio), December 19,
- Horn-Conrad, Antje (2019): “DDR ins Spiel gebracht. Studierende organisierten interaktive Ausstellung,” in: Tagesspiegel and Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten (newspaper), special supplement of University of Potsdam, November 16,
- Gießler, Denis (2019): “1378 (km): Wie ein Student mit einem DDR-Computerspiel einen Skandal auslöste,” in: Vice (magazine), November 8,
- Lorenz, Lara (2019): “Gemeinsam Zocken ist gut für die Beziehung,” in: Grünstreifen. Deutschlandfunk Nova (radio), October 18,
- Richter, Marcus (2019): “Auf Spritztour mit dem Pixel-Trabbi,” in: Deutschlandfunk Kultur (radio), October 3,
- Schmid, Frank (2019): “Interaktive Ausstellung: Die DDR im Computerspiel,” in: rbbKultur (radio), September 25,
- (2019): “Spiel und Realität verschelzen seit der Antike: Wie ein Forscher die Real-life-Adaptionen von Games bewertet,” in: – Das Fachdebattenportal für Entscheider aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Medien & Gesellschaft (online portal), May 17,
- Scobel, Gert (2019): “Die Magie des Spielens,” in: scobel – Die Magie des Spielens. Wie Gehirnvernetzungen wachsen und die Kreativität angeregt wird (3sat, television), May 2,
- Ufer, Gesa (2019): “‘Civilization 6’ und ‘Eco.’Der Klimawandel in Computerspielen,” in: Kompressor (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, radio) March 14,
- Garbe, Andreas (2019): “Sehnsucht nach Handgemachtem – Videospiele mit Bastel-Ästhetik,” in: ZDF heute+(television), March 12,
- Scholz, Jana (2018): “Games,” in: Portal Wissen (university magazine),
- Puddig, Mathias (2017): “Von Herzen und Haufen,” in: Märkische Oderzeitung (newspaper), April 26.
- Jan Bojaryn (2017): “Computerspielsammlung: Avantgarde der Bewahrung,” in: Goethe Institut (online portal), February.
- Germann, Constantin (2017): “Forscher auf der Spielwiese,” in: Mitmischen das Jugendportal des Deutschen Bundestages: Forscher auf der Spielwiese (online portal), January 17.
- Wenk, Erik (2012): “Game-Studies: Von Ego-Shootern lernen,” in: die tageszeitung (newspaper), June 2, Section Netzkultur.!5092566.