“Metaphor” in Encyclopedia of Video Games, Second Edition

I am very pleased to inform that I contributed the entry on “metaphor” to the Encyclopedia of Video Games. A second entry that I co-authored is about the Digital Games Research Center (DIGAREC) at the University of Potsdam that I am currently heading. The editor Mark J.P. Wolf updated this massive project to a second edition. Published on May 31, 2021, the encyclopedia now consists of three volumes (two volumes in the first edition) featuring “518 updated entries (206 of them new to this edition) on a variety of topics” (Wolf 2021, xxvii). Those were provided by “186 contributors (90 of them new to this edition)” (Wolf 2021, xxvii).
This encyclopedia is an excellent entry point for anyone interested in topics related to computer games. Since a three-volume encyclopedia can be quite expensive for a private library, I ordered one immediately for our university library so that our students can make use of it. Perhaps you may wish to order this encyclopedia for your institution, too: https://publisher.abc-clio.com/9781440870200/34.
As a long-term research interest of mine, I have published a number of pieces on metaphor and computer games such as
Möring, S. (2013): Games and Metaphor – A Critical Analysis of the Metaphor Discourse in Game Studies. (343 pages) Ph.D. Thesis, Copenhagen: IT University of Copenhagen, URL: http://bit.ly/1Gtcg4k.
Möring, S. (2015): “Simulated metaphors of love. How the game The Marriage applies metaphors to simulate a love relationship,” in: Game Love: Essays on Play and Affection, ed. by J. Enevold and E. MacCallum-Stewart, Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 262-290.
Möring, S. (2016): “What is a metaphoric artgame? – A critical analysis of metaphor in the artgame discourse and in artgames,” in: Embodied Metaphors Film, Television, and Video Games: Cognitive Approaches, ed. by K. Fahlenbrach, London: Routledge, 269-284.
For more feel free to visit my publications page: https://sebastianmoering.com/publications/.
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